i love you & you love me. the end.

Okay this ain't easy to write but I figured it's never easy to really talk about love.
People keep asking me “Why are you still single?”
To be honest, I have no idea how to answer that without being or sounding rude. Truthfully, do these people actually think that anyone on this planet earth would really want to be single and alone?
Like, seriously. Come on.
Unless you have someone you wanna match make with me, please, I beg you, please don’t ask me that particular question. It makes you sound stupid for asking me such question that you clearly know I don’t have the answer to it. Not to mention making me feel more depressed of not having the other half of me.
I know at my age (whatever) most of my friends are already married and become parents. My Facebook wall has sort of turned into some sort of which-is-the-cutest-baby-contest –smiling babies, crying babies, eating, puking, sleeping..even babies in those cute animal jumpsuits.
Please don’t get me wrong –I adore babies to the max.
Those who have left babies by the rubbish dump or abused babies are heartless species, even lower than animals.
Oh well, that is for God to punish and decide.

My point is, I’d love to love. Who doesn’t?
You have someone you can call without any reason; someone who would call you without any reason, asking silly questions, just because. Someone you can’t wait to wish ‘happy birthday’ and go all excited choosing what presents you should give, that particular someone you simply want to grow old with.
Nevertheless, that ‘someone’ is not easy to get. You can’t buy them at departmental stores (although I wish him to smell as good as the perfume counters), you won’t meet them at fun fair (like people in movies do, which is why it’s only in movies..duhh), you can’t wish upon a wishing star and hoping the next day he’d be kneeling down in your porch.
Even with all Seven Dragon Balls you can’t expect him to just appear out of nowhere because it doesn’t happen that way, or that easily.

I have friends who said I’m single because I’m being too choosy.
Okay, let me explain the real situation.

I choose because I simply have to choose.
Get real people, this is someone I wanna spend my whole life with. Someone I would whole-heartedly devote all my heart and might to, as a wife. I can’t marry off someone just because everyone else is married/ getting married, I am not ready to risk my life like that.
If I’d simply accept anyone, trust me, I’d have ended up with jerks, liars and so called nice guys. To tell the truth, I had a friend’s husband asking me out, telling me “not to tell my wife”. I know a guy who used to call me “sayang” and everything else and just once I said “no” to a dinner, next thing I know, he’s about to get married. There’s even a guy who said “he likes me for yeaaaaarrrs and would wait for me” but then he got engaged in less than a month after we went out together.
Had I not been choosy and careful, I might end up with one of these jerks. But then again, it’s either they are all real jerks or I was super stupid to fall for the tricks.
So basically it’s not that I’m not looking or trying, it just seems that I always fall for the wrong ones.

Watching my friends all happy with their other halves, it does make me happy, honestly. I wish I can also be a part of those blessed moments but I guess my time hasn’t come yet.
They say good things come to those who wait. If this is true, then I’ll wait.
And pray hard.

So please, don’t ask me why I’m still single, it’s getting annoying. =P
Better ask me when am I gonna be a millionaire, which I have a definite answer to it:
“Definitely not today!”
