Thoughts From Lady Gaga & Beyonce =)

Have you watched Lady Gaga's new music video for "Telephone"?
Beyonce is featured in both songs and video.
My favourite part?
Apart from her killer shoes?

Must be these lines:
B: You know Gaga, trust is like a mirror. You can't fix it if it's broken.
LG: But you can still see the crack in that motherf**ker's reflection.

Oh I love!
So true.
Once people misused the trust you put in them, it's just undone.
It's never forgotten and it haunts you forever.
More like disappointed.
You know the statement 'forgive and forget'?
I think sorry is sooooo overrated these days.
Brain is given to us by God to help us think. And to store memories.
And what makes people think the word 'sorry' can erase the memories?
It's never as simple as that.
For me it's easier to forgive than forget.
I forgive easily, means I don't feel like taking revenge or praying for karma to strike back.
That's why I find bliss in ignorance.
But I don't forget easily.
So I just turn around and take the other way, hoping it won't happen or cross-path again.
But there are people who just can't move on. They just stuck there, waiting for the situation or the past to take place again.
Funny how life treats us all, eh?
Who says life is unfair? Life is fair. God gives everyone equality in everything. It's about the choices you make. You are actually making your life unfair.
Maybe it's time to realize that people do take people for granted.
In so many ways- work, relationship, friendship.
So what should we do?
Just be 'ikhlas' in everything.
Senang je kan.
Yang lain-lain tu let the Almighty handle it His ways.
There's sunnah saying 'Doa orang teraniaya akan dimakbulkan'.
It's true but I'd rather pray for my loved ones to be blessed with all the happiness in the world.
Go figure, stop whining and just be thankful.

Born a Libra, I am said to be the most indecisive people.
*not that I really believe it*
But I know exactly what I want most in my life.
To be able to trust and be trusted.
To be able to give and appreciated.
To be able to love and be loved.



  1. bunyi mcm menyesal sumthing..
    btw..redha n life must goes on..!!
    cheer up =)

    0946 25032010

  2. Menyesal when people take us for granted.

    But that's life. Redha je la kan.

    Thanks anyway!
