Gosh it's already halfway through Ramadhan.
Like I always say "Time surely flies like a G6!"
Hari Raya theme this year would be pink-purple.
Me, my parents and my sisters have already bought our new attires for the celebration way before Ramadhan started.
I usually buy only one new baju kurung every year, and would re-use my old baju kurungs.
Well, not that old actually as I'd only wear them for attending wedding ceremonies or family kenduri.
One thing for sure, I don't really splurge on this type of attires.
Simply because I definitely wouldn't wear them often and I just don't want to waste money on dry cleanings.
On top of that, I'm not a believer in dry cleaning, it just doesn't seem, hurm, clean. I prefer gentle hand washing.
However, I really believe that whatever you're wearing, it should be you wearing them.
And not the clothes wearing you.
You are supposed to shine, whatever you're wearing is just like a side dish -to spice up your food.
Think of it like this, if you swear by a piece of cloth, imagine if something spilled on it, your day would be ruined -because you really splurge on it and you depend on the cloth to make you shine.
Why would you let a piece of cloth ruin your day?
Sh*t happens, get over it.
The same goes with shoes, handbags and accessories.
I love shoes.
No. I'm madly in love with shoes.
There were times when I had already planned in mind what to wear, which shoes and handbags to match prior to going out.
Then after 2 hours of walking, some shoes do gave me blisters and I would just go and change to whatever shoes I have in my car.
Be it blue, green or even yellow and didn't match my whole attire at all.
After all, I bet people don't actually notice. If they ever did, they would forget it after a minute they walk pass me.
Sometimes we're too obsessed with how people would think of us when really, they do not.
Unless you're a celebrity, of course. Then you'd be on those gossip websites which we all have love-hate relationship with.
Anyway, as we're in the midst of Ramadhan, it's nice to remind 0urselves not to overspend or overeat or oversleep.
Over praying is fine, nonetheless.
*remember our favourite fashionista, Becky Bloomwood?*
*pics googled*
Frankly, in the end, you don't need anything expensive to look good.
*I'd rather save up money for vacation these days. Vacation surely needs tonnes of money!*
All you need is to be confident with yourself.
And the best part is -confidence is absolutely free!
Hari Raya theme this year would be pink-purple.
Me, my parents and my sisters have already bought our new attires for the celebration way before Ramadhan started.
I usually buy only one new baju kurung every year, and would re-use my old baju kurungs.
Well, not that old actually as I'd only wear them for attending wedding ceremonies or family kenduri.
One thing for sure, I don't really splurge on this type of attires.
Simply because I definitely wouldn't wear them often and I just don't want to waste money on dry cleanings.
On top of that, I'm not a believer in dry cleaning, it just doesn't seem, hurm, clean. I prefer gentle hand washing.
However, I really believe that whatever you're wearing, it should be you wearing them.
And not the clothes wearing you.
You are supposed to shine, whatever you're wearing is just like a side dish -to spice up your food.
Think of it like this, if you swear by a piece of cloth, imagine if something spilled on it, your day would be ruined -because you really splurge on it and you depend on the cloth to make you shine.
Why would you let a piece of cloth ruin your day?
Sh*t happens, get over it.
The same goes with shoes, handbags and accessories.
I love shoes.
No. I'm madly in love with shoes.
There were times when I had already planned in mind what to wear, which shoes and handbags to match prior to going out.
Then after 2 hours of walking, some shoes do gave me blisters and I would just go and change to whatever shoes I have in my car.
Be it blue, green or even yellow and didn't match my whole attire at all.
After all, I bet people don't actually notice. If they ever did, they would forget it after a minute they walk pass me.
Sometimes we're too obsessed with how people would think of us when really, they do not.
Unless you're a celebrity, of course. Then you'd be on those gossip websites which we all have love-hate relationship with.
Anyway, as we're in the midst of Ramadhan, it's nice to remind 0urselves not to overspend or overeat or oversleep.
Over praying is fine, nonetheless.

Frankly, in the end, you don't need anything expensive to look good.
*I'd rather save up money for vacation these days. Vacation surely needs tonnes of money!*
All you need is to be confident with yourself.
And the best part is -confidence is absolutely free!
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