*watched on 18Feb2010*

Not because I'm single at the moment but even when I was in my past relationship, I didn't really bother to celebrate.
But I love flowers, chocolates, cards, dinner at nice restaurants, well you know...
And prices hike like crazy on this day.
And I don't find the story of Valentine where he committed suicide because of love, well, romantic.
I'm just amazed of what people would do for love.
Anyway, though I don't celebrate V-Day, doesn't mean I can't celebrate the love for the movie.
I honestly thought it's gonna be a sappy movie.
I actually prepared myself a few packets of tissues in my outer pocket of my handbag for easier reach.
It's not really a fantastic movie, but it's nice enough that I want to watch it for the second time.
Maybe by the third time I would be able to memorize the whole script already.
Scriptwise, it's very simple and real. Not corny or cocky.
The actors and actresses, well, too many of them, you know.
All great actors. Brilliant actors, I would say.
Jennifer Garner is hot. Anne Hathaway is gorgeous.
Patrick Demspey@McDreamy is as sexy as usual. Eric Dane@McSteamy shows off his six-packs as usual, too.
I love the big smiles from both Roberts. Guess it's in their good genes.
Ashton Kutcher & Bradley Cooper are cute as always.
And Queen Latifah is hilarious! OMG I loved her in the movie!
Few things I don't like.
Jessica Alba's blonde hair. Oh please, blonde is so not for her. She looks like she's wearing wig! You're a natural beauty darling, stick to your roots!
I'm also shocked that Taylor Lautner didn't take his shirts off for once in the movie.
He actually had a line, "I don't feel comfortable taking my shirt off in public." =P
And McDreamy had only, like, 10 lines altogether.
Well, basically, I knew Ash would end up with Jen Garner in the end.
I knew Emma Roberts won't do it with her BF.
I knew Jess Biel would fall for Jamie Foxx.
I knew both TaylorS were going to be together until the end (in the movie of course).
And the same goes to Topher Grace & Anne, together at the end.
*sorry can't remember their roles*
My biggest surprise was definitely between McSteamy& Bradley!
I swear I laughed like nobody cares when Bradley runs his hand through McSteamy's hair!
It was weird and I had this icky feeling in my stocmach and I just had to laugh.
But it was definitely hilarious! My favourite part of the movie!
And I really didn't think that little cutie Edison actually fell for Jen Garner. How cute!
Oh, I didn't expect Julia Roberts to be Edison's mommy at all, either.
In the end, I would say it was a great movie.
I enjoyed it very much.
Not too cliche, accompanied with elements of surprise.
You know, watching gorgeous human beings on screen is NOT a bad terrible thing at all.