Man it's already almost half month of January.
I fell really sick last two weeks. Like, really really sick.
It's definitely the worst fever I have ever had as long as I can remember.
I had viral fever and terrible headaches I went for blood check up.
Alhamdulillah it was nothing serious, could be because of lack of food nutrition and dehydration.
It may sound like a bad start for 2011 but I always look at glass half full.
Positive thinking is the key to survive in this harsh world.
Oh by the way I have few resolutions made up for 2011.
Hopefully I am determined enough to fulfill the list before next year.
So here goes, and it's not in any particular order.
First, to finish up my dissertation by March. By hook or whatever crook that may come, my dissertation has to finish in time. No way I'm gonna prolong this M.Ed anymore.
Second, to recycle, reduce and reuse a lot more. If I can't change the world, I better at least help others to change it and recycle is probably the easiest way to do it. I have already started to bring my own shopping bags to the malls. Trust me, small gestures can absolutely make a huge difference.
Third, to get employed and actually stick to it no matter how bad the office politic is. I have to admit being unemployed is really blissful, I can actually cook healthy food for my family and hop on the treadmill at any time. Not to mention I can spend fantastic time with my family especially my parents. My top choices of places to work would be around Selangor, KL and even Melaka. So hopefully this year someone would hire me.
*okay, maybe i need to submit my resume first. hohoho*
Fourth, I must control my income! My debit and credit thingy. I must save up for the future. Less shopping which seems impossible but I have started my "Shop less, save more" mantra. I must pay bills on time to avoid any extra cost. I must pay my study loan. God I sure have a lot to pay! Darn! I need a job!!!
Fifth, to look after my health and skin. Hey, I certainly don't get any younger this year. I should drink lots of water, eat junk food moderately, learn more about jamu, herbs and other nutrition and of course, exercise more. My metabolism rate has surely gone haywire at my age and it's frustrating.
Sixth, I want to move to London.
No, seriously. I really want to.
The ultimate resolution is just to appreciate more what I have in life right now. The world is ending at any time without us knowing it so it's better to live life to the fullest like we should. I must always remind myself to give all praises to Allah swt everyday.
So that's about it but my resolutions do not stop here. More to come. After all, it's only the beginning of 2011.
*my idea to move to London sounds insane, doesn't it?*
"Each ton of recycled paper can save 17 trees, 380 gallons of oil, 3 cubic yards of landfill space, and 4,000 kilowatts of energy." -quoted.
*fine. maybe not for a martini but you get the message, right?*
It's definitely the worst fever I have ever had as long as I can remember.
I had viral fever and terrible headaches I went for blood check up.
Alhamdulillah it was nothing serious, could be because of lack of food nutrition and dehydration.
It may sound like a bad start for 2011 but I always look at glass half full.
Positive thinking is the key to survive in this harsh world.
Oh by the way I have few resolutions made up for 2011.
Hopefully I am determined enough to fulfill the list before next year.
So here goes, and it's not in any particular order.
First, to finish up my dissertation by March. By hook or whatever crook that may come, my dissertation has to finish in time. No way I'm gonna prolong this M.Ed anymore.
Second, to recycle, reduce and reuse a lot more. If I can't change the world, I better at least help others to change it and recycle is probably the easiest way to do it. I have already started to bring my own shopping bags to the malls. Trust me, small gestures can absolutely make a huge difference.
Third, to get employed and actually stick to it no matter how bad the office politic is. I have to admit being unemployed is really blissful, I can actually cook healthy food for my family and hop on the treadmill at any time. Not to mention I can spend fantastic time with my family especially my parents. My top choices of places to work would be around Selangor, KL and even Melaka. So hopefully this year someone would hire me.
*okay, maybe i need to submit my resume first. hohoho*
Fourth, I must control my income! My debit and credit thingy. I must save up for the future. Less shopping which seems impossible but I have started my "Shop less, save more" mantra. I must pay bills on time to avoid any extra cost. I must pay my study loan. God I sure have a lot to pay! Darn! I need a job!!!
Fifth, to look after my health and skin. Hey, I certainly don't get any younger this year. I should drink lots of water, eat junk food moderately, learn more about jamu, herbs and other nutrition and of course, exercise more. My metabolism rate has surely gone haywire at my age and it's frustrating.
Sixth, I want to move to London.
No, seriously. I really want to.
The ultimate resolution is just to appreciate more what I have in life right now. The world is ending at any time without us knowing it so it's better to live life to the fullest like we should. I must always remind myself to give all praises to Allah swt everyday.
So that's about it but my resolutions do not stop here. More to come. After all, it's only the beginning of 2011.
*my idea to move to London sounds insane, doesn't it?*

*fine. maybe not for a martini but you get the message, right?*
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