I feel like years passed on since I last wrote in.
I have soooo many things to write about. Well don't all 'writers' say that when they return to writing?
Writer's block. As if.
Anyway, I had been super busy with my dissertation. Submitted already, now waiting for the result. Hopefully everything goes well. Ameen...
And since the result is not out yet, I'm just not in the mood to apply for jobs. I refuse to put M.Ed in my resume because I don't want to jinx my result.
Yep, I'm THAT superstitious.
It's stupid, I know. But try to convince me, I won't bite.
Seriously, I actually DO have a lot to write about.
At least I think so but you know how good I am at procrastinating.
Unfortunately, can't start tonight as I've to wake up real early tomorrow morning to fetch my baby sis at UTM, Johor.
I mentioned somewhere here in this blog that I don't really enjoy driving. I wish I have a private jet. I feel driving is a waste of time.
HOWEVER, I'm quite a good driver.
So I'm gonna hit the sack immediately after I shut down my tiny laptop (I'm dying for a white iPad 2!) and probably continue writing tomorrow night.
That, if I have finished packing for another roadtrip on Sunday morning to Penang.
I'm longing for Sungai Dua's prawn mee!
I love my life right now.
All praises to Allah.
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