*watched on 18Feb2010*
Have you ever watched a movie that made you jumped off your seat?
Aside from Japanese horror movies?
I am never and will never be a fan of horror movies.
I can stand 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre', 'Saw', 'Kill Bill' and 'House of Wax' but you can never drag me into the cinema to watch horror movies. Be it Japanese, Korean, Western or even Malaysian horror movies.
The last horror movie I remembered watching without having to cover my eyes at all was 'The Blair Witch Project' because there's no 'hantu' at all! But it was creep as hell! I couldn't sleep that night. So simply imagine what will happen if I watched 'Niyang Rapik'.
I swear whoever tries to drag me to watch horror movies at cinema, I'll knock them off with my heels.
I don't think twice about this.

Anyway, yes, 'Wolfman' made me jump off my seat.
I am still not sure whether it's a horror or thriller movie.
It should be thriller because there's no element of ghost at all.
But the spooky-ness is just horrifying.
Five minutes it started, I shouted and grabbed my sis' hand.
It's more like terperanjat.
And the sound effect was really good, too.
I loved the era and the costume.
Man I totally dig periodical movies. The costumes just blow me away. And if you have watched many movies of this type you'll soon realize that the women all have porcelain skin.
Emily Blunt is a beauty! Oh my she's gorgoeus! And I love her accent! I love everything about her!
The effects were great, the wolfmen actually looked quite real even when they're fighting.
It's basically about Benicio Del Toro went home after his brother died to investigate his death. Then one night, while investigating, he got bitten by the warewolf.
So as legend has written, once bitten by a warewolf, you'll turn into warewolf once you see the full moon.
And he did crime, like killing people horrendously but I'm not quite sure whether he ate those people or he did it just for fun.
Turned out, the wolfman who killed his brother was actually his father, who got bitten by a warewolf when he was in India doing his research.
So Benicio was so angry, he killed his father, Anthony Hopkins.
Emily wanted to help cure Benicio but there's no hope. There's no way to make him normal again and that he should just be killed to save others.
But Emily didn't want him to die as warewolf so she risked herself by asking Benicio to recognize who she was. And then he sort of remembered but by then the policemen were coming and he became fierce again.
So Emily took his life with her own hands.
She shot him with silver bullet which the only way to kill warewolf.
*God i can't believe i can't remember any roles!*
I have been exposed with all these legends -warewolf, dracula, vampire, frankenstein -since I was young because my second brother loves reading these stuff.
Trust me when I say I watched 'Nosferatu' when I was around 12 years old. And I actually watched 'Interview With The Vampire' not because of Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, Antonio Banderas or Christian Slater, but because of the vampires-storyline. Only years after that I thought all these guys were hotties.
Basically, it was a great movie which I enjoyed very much despite the shouting and jumping.
Anthony looked sooo like my daddy! haha
And Benicio still makes my heart go oh la la even after 20 years! Ok, maybe not 20 years but, well, you know what I mean.

I watched this before I watched Valentine's Day on the same day and I loved both movies!
Thumbs up! Including my mak jari kaki too!
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