God is it just me or Chuck Bass really knows how to play with his words?
I know it's just a script written by someone else but I can't imagine anyone else articulate it better than Chuck Bass.
Gossip Girl Season 4 has started and I would say I was eagerly waiting for it after learning Chuck got shot at the end of Season 3.
Well, he's Chuck Bass.
Of course he lives.
And back looking hotter than ever in Season 4!
I went teary during his meet up with Blair at the station, when he said "I destroyed the only thing I ever loved"
Anyway, Season 4 started off in Paris.
I was actually standing on the same spot as Chuck Bass in front of Terminus Nord when I visited Paris.
Only a few weeks different.
Darn it.
So close yet so far.
Well Paris is Paris.
They showed you all the beautiful places.
Even the station looked very clean.
*it really is not*
I've to admit Gossip Girl is getting boring, the same old storyline.
Serena with Dan. Dan with Vanessa. Serena with Nate. Jenny is missing. Blair and Chuck. Chuck and Blair.
The only thing that saves Serena is her outfit and oh, her killer body.
I love all Blair's outfit!
So cute!
She's like a life-size Barbie I'd love to play dress up!
Who says you can't wear prints on top and bottom?
Blair Waldorf doesn't care.
"Dan, good shoulder to cry on. Nate, good shoulder."
-Serena, GG S4E2 Double Identity
I'll pick Nate on any day.
He's too hot to say no to.
I know it's just a script written by someone else but I can't imagine anyone else articulate it better than Chuck Bass.
Gossip Girl Season 4 has started and I would say I was eagerly waiting for it after learning Chuck got shot at the end of Season 3.
Well, he's Chuck Bass.
Of course he lives.
And back looking hotter than ever in Season 4!
I went teary during his meet up with Blair at the station, when he said "I destroyed the only thing I ever loved"

I was actually standing on the same spot as Chuck Bass in front of Terminus Nord when I visited Paris.
Only a few weeks different.
Darn it.
So close yet so far.
Well Paris is Paris.
They showed you all the beautiful places.
Even the station looked very clean.
*it really is not*
I've to admit Gossip Girl is getting boring, the same old storyline.
Serena with Dan. Dan with Vanessa. Serena with Nate. Jenny is missing. Blair and Chuck. Chuck and Blair.
The only thing that saves Serena is her outfit and oh, her killer body.
I love all Blair's outfit!
So cute!
She's like a life-size Barbie I'd love to play dress up!

Blair Waldorf doesn't care.
"Dan, good shoulder to cry on. Nate, good shoulder."
-Serena, GG S4E2 Double Identity
I'll pick Nate on any day.
He's too hot to say no to.
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