It's tonight!
I am so darn blardy excited!
Still can't believe I'm going to watch Mr. Lambert himself in Malaysia!
I am so darn blardy excited!
Still can't believe I'm going to watch Mr. Lambert himself in Malaysia!

Well, to be honest, as part as not believing I got tickets to his show, I actually can't believe the part that he's HERE.
I mean, when I first heard he's coming some time in July, I was contemplating. I was like "He wouldn't get through. People would protest."
Because he's gay.
And yes there will be a protest in front of the stadium tonight, I read that somewhere on online news.
Surprise surprise!
That's so typical.
These people stated that Adam "promotes gay lifestyle".
On a more serious note, SERIOUSLY??
Adam is civilized enough to sign a contract to agree to tone down his antics, no kissing or touching his dick.
I wonder if he's allowed to wear eyeliner.
I am aware that homosexuality is forbidden in Islam but I have gay friends and they're among the nicest people I've met.
Some of them, even though they admit they have feelings for other men, they never leave solat.
Asking God for forgiveness, probably.
And some of my 'real' Muslim guy friends skip Friday prayers or fast.
I just hate the hypocrisy these people have you know.
Making things big out of nothing.
Come on, Adam comes, sings and flies to another country in three or four days.
How can he be "promoting gay lifestyle"?
He's a singer and none of his songs talks about being gay.
I listen to Adam Lambert.
I also listen to Maher Zain.
I know every word to Adam's song 'Whataya Want From Me'.
I also know every word to Maher's 'For The Rest of My Life'.
So what does that make me?
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