Movie: Avatar

I never am a movie freak.
I always choose what I want to watch.
I make sure it's worth my RM10 (or more!) for the tickets whenever I visit the theater.
And of course, my 2 hours sitting in the dark hall.

Anyway, I've been anticipating 'Avatar' since last year. For a couple of reasons.
First, the director is James Cameron.
Straight from that I knew his movie is going to be big & fantastic.
Second, it's a fantasy movie.
I always adore fantasy movie because everything is beyond anyone's imagination. And that's a beautiful thing.
Third, Sam Worthington. Enough said.

I only have one word for Avatar.
I was mesmerized. Planet Pandora is just so perfect.
It has hanging mountain. Birds & horses that sort of connects to you from the inside when you ride on them. It has sacred buds that look like tiny flying jellyfish.
Hey, it's fantasy. So it's never ridiculous.
Oh, and the blue people, despite they look too blue, amazed me just because everyone looks different.
And Sam Worthington is indeed a hottie in blue. haha...
He's an Aussie. And Aussie always has something mysterious about them that you just keep going on and on with them, you know. Well, at least to me.
Hugh Jackman. Keith Urban. Heath Ledger (RIP). Nicole Kidman.

The one great thing about this movie is the message it tries to send to the audience.
Neytiri's mother said she can't teach human because men/human/us are "too full of ourselves".
I couldn't agree more.
It has always been like that and will always be unless we wake up one day and just be thankful.
We would never have enough money. Or bungalows. Or expensive cars.
We always want to get more and more money.
To buy bigger houses. On top of the hills. Or by the beach. Or next to The Gardens.
And we will always eyes on Merc, BMW, Porsche, Bentley when we already have good & use-able national cars.
We are always selfish.
We hardly recycle even though we know it can definitely save mother earth from heating up.
Do pardon me if you feel like objecting my words.
And when I said 'we', yours truly is included as well.
I don't really recycle and I am ashamed of the fact.
Because it's a really simple act. Just separate your garbage. And I still hardly do it. Unless I walk by the colourful bins.
And it irks me like hell when people throw things out from their cars onto the road.
Whether it's chewing gum or cigarette butts or candy wrappers.
Ugh, don't let me start on these people.

So yeah. Please go watch 'Avatar'.
Full of great action, emotion and gorgeous animations.


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