From Paris With Love

*watched on 8March2010, Midvalley*

I had a dinner and movie treat with Wee for his birthday.
His quarter-th century birthday.
OMG we're getting old.

Anyway we watched 'From Paris With Love', I've always wanted to watch it after I saw the trailer.
Two yummy guys, John Travolta & Jonathan Rhys Meyers.
Two hot Johns.
Travolta played the bad guy. A real bad ass guy.
But he's not the villain, just really rough.
And Rhys Meyers played as this secret agent that is so naive and straight forward.

Again, I won't summarize the movie, you can always Google it.
Out of 10, I gave this movie, probably, seven.
Action packed with guns and bombs and explosions. Vulgar words in every Travolta's line.
And Rhys Meyers was just oh so gorgeous.
He's always been, like, you know, a guy you just have to love.
Those eyes. That Irish accent. That smirk on his face. That jaw.
I think he has the sexiest jaw bone structure after Johnny Depp.
My knees would go really weak with guys with deep jaw bone structure.
It accentuates their masculinity, you know.
And that takes you in even before they smile.
So yeah, I was head over heels when I watched this movie.

And the leading lady, well, I hate to admit this because I love pretty women on screen,
but Rhys Meyers was just far more beautiful than the supposed heroin.
She's not familiar, by the way, I think she's a Russian.

However, the movie did show some biasness towards Islam, I supposed.
Well, most western movies are, by the way.
I only enjoyed the actions, the story line was simple and predictable.
I think the only western movie that doesn't portray biasness towards Islam would be 'The Kingdom' with Jamie Foxx, Jen Garner & Chris Cooper.
And similarly, I love 'Body of Lies' because it portrays Islam to be an affectionate religion.
And Leo DiCaprio was brilliant in it!
I so can't wait for 'Shutter Island' to come out!
Lembab la Malaysian cinemas ni.


1 comment:

  1. bukan cinema malaysia lembap..
    but Lembaga penapisan yg lembab..
    or..kementerian..tut yg lembab..
    OMG ya Allah..kena ISA kang bru I tau..huhuhu

    0633 : 11042010
