Homesick. NOT!

I had dinner with my daddy&mommy tonight!
A real nice dinner!
They came over from Melaka for a wedding in Subang and dropped over at S.A just to take me out for dinner!
Oh yeah I'm spoilt.
I love being spoilt.

I haven't gone back to Melaka for almost three weeks now at earlier this week I was attacked by Mr.Tonsil and had terrible sore throat.
Then as usual, Mrs. Cough tagged along.
These two just can never leave me alone.
Before that I had this horrible strains in my nerves all over my body.
It's nasty, you know.
I spent most of the day sleeping. I just couldn't get up.
I wanted to go for a blood test, you know, there's too many weird sickness these days, so prevention is better than cure.
But I'm having that time of the month, and my friend said it would affect my blood test result.
So I ended relying on my long lost dear friend, En.Panadol.
Memang long lost friend, satu jam cari dia. Rupa2 nya menyorok kat dalam drawer, bawah timbunan of my facial masks.
En.Panadol has always been a nice friend. I got better two days after that.

So at 10p.m. earlier, my adorable parents picked me up at Baiduri and we had dinner at Restoran Tasik Indah.
My dad wore batik shirt. Comel! Perut nya menambahkan lagi kecomelan!
Menu, as usual lah, tomyam, beancurd, broccoli & seafood.
Can you hear me burping for the tenth time?

They went straight back to Melaka after dinner.
My mommy just called, they have safely arrived.
Miss them already.


1 comment:

  1. bestnyer...
    tetiba rasa jeles ngn u coz of ur parent visit..!!! =p
    sib baik la we all ttp jeles la..
    blik kg la minggu dpn..

    0637 : 11042010
