It's Getting Worse

I just changed my dekstop background setting.
At the moment Adam Lambert will greet me with a big yummy-licious grin and a wink everytime I turn my lappie on. So I guess that's a reason for me to become more addictive to my lappie these days.

And everytime I turn my lappie on, I'll be like,
"OMG! OMG! He's smiling and winking at me!"
It's stupid, I know.
Like I said before, it's uncontrollable.
The fact that he's gay doesn't help as well.
More like, like I care.
Well, I don't need a reason to make myself smile, right?

*singing Whataya Want From Me*

Oh, last week Friday I went to Seri Kembangan to dine at 'Gravy Baby'.
Nice place, supposed to have live bands but only on weekends.
With K.Mirs&Boyfie, Napi, Zurs & Ima.
Then we went to a midnight karaoke session at Alamanda.
And I sang 'Whataya Want From Me' for the first time!
And I felt satisfaction after that.
Too bad 'Taking Back My Love' was not on the list.
I just love that song, the beat, lyrics and everything about Enrique!
And Zurs & Ima were biting their tongues trying to rap to Jay Z's 'Empire State of Mind'!
Super kelakar ok!

Anyway, feast your eyes
*is it just me or you're loving the goatee, too?*
*this is soooo Elvis & James Dean! LOVE IT!*
*i don't promote smoking but he's totally smoking hot in this pic!*

Again, please please please bear with me.
*batting my fake eyelashes*



  1. LoL...
    addicted suda..
    kipas susah mati adam lambert ni..
    agak2 klu dia dtg jmpa kamu..
    u mst drooling pastu pengsan..

    0317 03042010

  2. haha tak sempat amik gamba dgn die pon, dah pengsan dulu =P

  3. haha..smpai gitu ..
    unique sungguh adam lambert ni..
    part mana yg buat u tertarik..he's smile or style..

  4. hurm well thats a tough question..

    i like his voice, i think hes got real talent..
    and he's good looking too..
    and he's got style..

    so i like everything abt him la..hehehe

  5. haha..

    voice..good everythng bout him.. nie super duper minat ni..if dia baca compliment tuh..sure terharu.. ^_^

    tp admit la..his voice boleh tahan..tgk dia bleh buat album n laris or not..
