How do I describe this place?
Hurm, nope, beautiful won't justify it.
Darn, I can't put in the right word.
It's beautiful, lovely, mesmerizing, gorgeous and all the words used to define a masterpiece.
Well, I wouldn't say it's really a masterpiece but at last I have something I can be proud of and happy to live in Shah Alam.
I've always thought S.A. is a bit boring.
I chose to study here because it's nearer to my hometown.
Even Skudai pun I still think it's far.
Nanti homesick selalu pulak.
I'm such a crybaby.
Anyway, went to i-City last Sunday with K.Mirs & Zurs.
We were sooooo super excited upon seeing the coloured trees.
The trees aren't real, they have LED lights all over them.
It's even more beautiful at night because the lights would be on!
Words won't describe enough, so here are some pictures.

*vintage bag from Lush Serendipity*

But then again, I think even pictures can't justify the place.
You have to go check it out for real!
Darn, I can't put in the right word.
It's beautiful, lovely, mesmerizing, gorgeous and all the words used to define a masterpiece.
Well, I wouldn't say it's really a masterpiece but at last I have something I can be proud of and happy to live in Shah Alam.
I've always thought S.A. is a bit boring.
I chose to study here because it's nearer to my hometown.
Even Skudai pun I still think it's far.
Nanti homesick selalu pulak.
I'm such a crybaby.
Anyway, went to i-City last Sunday with K.Mirs & Zurs.
We were sooooo super excited upon seeing the coloured trees.
The trees aren't real, they have LED lights all over them.
It's even more beautiful at night because the lights would be on!
Words won't describe enough, so here are some pictures.
You have to go check it out for real!
thinking that 'i' stand for intelligence city ehh??
how intelligence that city was? is it the city completely fill up with all electronic n motion control?? hmmm nk tgk sndri agak jauh la..hujung selatan ke tgh valley..hishh jauh2..
but serious la..cantik!!!! n mcm pernah tgk concept ni..dlm advert internet..Japan n Holland xsilap i..