While There's Still Time..

I've finished the toughest part of any case study -chapter 2: literature review.
I'm doing a case study on my nephew's code-switching for my Sociolinguistics class.
I must say any linguistic subject -Phonetics, Linguistics, Sociolinguistics- would be a killer subject, the most complicated subject I've ever gone through.
I'd rather die than having to repeat these subjects!

I still got time before leaving my house for lunch, meeting The e-Beautique customers for COD & going to the post office to ship some items.
Alhamdulillah, The e-Beautique's customers list has gradually grown.

Basically tomorrow I have another case study to submit for my Psycho class.
I am so getting bored of case studies, literature reviews, article reviews.
As far as I can remember, throughout my undergraduate and postgraduate studies, it's all about writing reports.
What's wrong with having field trip or observation or interviewing prominent educators?
I just don't understand the curriculum.
Is being in education field means all about reading and writing?
Why can't we have observations in different types of schools or colleges and look at their differences in classroom conducts?
Why can't we visit the CDC to look at the curriculum development?
I'm getting tired of writing reports that I have been really good at the art of 'menggoreng' whenever there's another article review.
'Real situation' my foot.

Aiyoh, see, I have started whining.
Which I hate so much.
I wish everyone else is feeling the same so we can start off some kind of petition.
Duh, easier said than done.

On a happier note,
my friends are all getting married this year!
Well, not all. Some are getting engaged.
I'm so excited to join the event of bliss-ness!
There are times I feel a bit pressurized but I guess 'bila dah sampai seru, kahwin la nanti'.
Now I'm enjoying the fun of setting dates for road trips prior to the weddings, what to wear, which shoes match the outfit, the handbags, the presents!
Macam sendiri nak kahwin pulak dah...

Well, my idea of my perfect wedding would be just as simple as it can be.
Who doesn't love the idea of beach or garden or 5-star hotel wedding?
But realistically, I just want my closest family and friends to share the blessing.
Kalau boleh pasukan kompang pun tak payah -never a fan of kompang -_-
Kompang is only to tell the whole 'taman' that there's a wedding going on.
What's the point of telling everyone? I'm not a celebrity for goodness sake.
*unless if Adam Lambert is the groom!*
*which would never happen in the entire universe! LOL!*

Bersederhana sudah la. Ikut cara Islam.
Lagipun I think kompang tu bising le.
*rolling eyes*

Okay I am so super duper hungry right now.
Since last night actually.
I'm thinking of having Sup Ani's bubur sup.



  1. hmmm..xnk bersanding?? cz no kompang2 kan..or gantikan kompang boy to musical/nasyid one..aite??

    so nnt xder la gambar time bersanding.. rugi nya tat moment.. =p

  2. Really? I didn't know no kompang no bersanding. What's the relation anyway? Apa salahnye berarak guna slow ballads/ nasyid songs etc?

    Apa yang rugi sangat if, lets say, that's what I want for MY wedding?

    That's what I meant earlier in the post, it's MY day, not to tell the whole taman so ikut MY way la kan, tak gitu? =)

    We are so obsessed with adat that we forgot the most important thing -to get blessing from tetamu. Tu je I nak =)
