Yay! Holidays are Coming!

Just another seven days until my last assignment of the semester is due.
Can't wait!
Time surely flies fast!
Then I'm gonna need to start on my dissertation.
And another three subjects.
It's gonna be a lot but I just want to graduate by end of this year.
No tangguh2.

Anyway, two months holiday is actually short, you know.
Very short.
But since I'm not working, maybe I can really relish every second of it.
Hopefully so but I have a job interview on Monday and it's kinda weird because they told me it's a meeting, not interview.
And according to a friend who works there, it means I'm already in!
But I'm still confused.
I would be very thankful to get the job but we'll see.
I don't want to be hoping too much and get disappointed later, if I'm not cut for it.

I'm in a dilemma.
I just don't know which field I really want to work in.
And as a Libran, making choices sucks because it'll take forever for me to really decide.
When it comes to future planning, e.g- family, children, working hours, I definitely opt for teaching.
For example,
Teaching in the IPTs is very flexible and if I work nearby to home, I can always pick up my children from school.
And then come back early (because I clock in early after sending the children to school) to cook healthy dinner for the kids and hubby.
Then I don't have to bring work home because I can mark them when I don't have classes so I'd have more time for the family. And hubby.
OMG can you see how berfikiran jauh I am???

But when it comes to what I love doing, I would definitely give everything to get a chance to work at a fashion magazine company.
It's gonna be my dream come true.
I know I watched too much 'Shopaholic' & 'Ugly Betty' but I know it's really fun and I can work well while under pressure and during hectic hours.
I even thought of getting a diploma or degree in journalism just so I can venture into this field.
I truly enjoy writing.

Not that I don't enjoy teaching, I do.
But I know how stressful teaching can be because you deal with human beings.
And with 30 students in a class, you simply have to deal with 30 different human behaviours when you are only capable to really deal with one kind, which is your own.
I can be that strict and monotonous teacher but it bores the hell of the students and even myself.
And it's incredibly awfully important for me to enjoy what I'm doing.

I read in a past issue of Cleo, which is to
'try to love your whatever-job, not to get a job that you love'
when you have reached 30.
It's about being matured and the importance of stability for the future.

Susah lah.
Can I just be a princess and jalan2 around the world and visit the poor 3rd world countries and write cheques for the hospitals & schools there?
If only life is that easy breezy.


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